❄ A walk through Garbary ❄
Together with the Guides Group PoPoznaniu.pl we would like to invite you for a sunday walk through the old town of Poznan.
During the walk, we will see the area of Kamienica Garbary 68 – Chwaliszewo and Garbary Street and listen to interesting facts about these places.
✅ For which the first witch in Poland was burned at the stake❓
✅ And what exactly did the witch trials look like❓
✅ Why Chwaliszewo was called Poznan’s Venice❓
✅ Where does the name Garbary come from❓
✅ How the devil tried to destroy the reputation of the Bernardines❓
✅ What criminal stories are associated with Chwaliszewo and Garbary❓
We will answer these questions this Sunday!
Join us!
✅ DATE: 11 Dec 2022
✅ TIME.: 11:00
✅ PLACE: at the bus stop of lines 174 and 190 “Wielka” in the direction of Sobieski